Sunday, February 9, 2014

100th Day of School 2014

This year, Gracie and Lukie's Kindergarten teacher is super high achieving. She doesn't mess around. She has high expectations, and she let us know from the beginning that our 100th Day of School project what have to be big. It would have to be awesome.

From time to time, she would send reminders to us, gently nudging us to get to work. Gracie and Lucas weren't sure what they wanted to make, so we have them a list of ideas and we came up with projects that totally fit Gracie and Lukie's personalities.

Meet 100 Teeth by Lucas

Meet 100 Spots by Gracie

Happy 10th Birthday!

There's nothing better than bringing cupcakes and having free dress on your 10th birthday! These two were so excited that they kept r...