Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A boy and his Jumperoo

Until yesterday, I had never purchased anything off of Craig's List. I've done the eBay thing and it was okay, but Craig's List seemed more iffy to me. That is, until I needed a Jumperoo for the babies and refused to pay $80 for a brand new one. I'm not a cheapskate, I just hate paying full price for something when there are hardly used ones out in the world.

So yesterday, I found a Rain Forest Jumperoo for sale at $45. I went to the seller's home and other than smelling like Indian food, the Jumperoo was awesome. So, I bought it and Febreezed it when I got home. I couldn't wait to put the babies into it! Luke LOVES the Jumperoo and by day 2, he is quite an expert. See for yourself!

Looks like fun to me! I wonder if they make Jumperoos for adults?


  1. Kate saw me looking at your blog two days ago and fell in love with the babies' video clips! Now the only way we can get her to brush her teeth (normally a royal battle) is to play Luke's Jumperoo clip while we brush! Gracie's 1st steps clip comes in a close second: "See baby jumping? See baby walking?" The video blog is GENIUS!

  2. Yay! I'll make sure to keep the videos coming!


Happy 10th Birthday!

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