Sunday, June 7, 2009

Can I see your license please?

My car is in the shop and our rental car is a compact Dodge Cobalt. Normally, this is not a big deal. However, I rely on the double stroller to get us in and out of the apartment and to the parking lot safely.

News: Graco DuoGliders do not fit in the trunk of a Cobalt. (Just in case you were wondering.)

It has been a nightmare getting Gracie and Lukie into the apartment because they get to be FREEEEEEEE! One day, I let them walk ahead of me and, oops, the security door was propped open. By the time I caught up, Lukie was less than 12 inches from the edge of the pool. My heart stopped. The next day, they took off as soon as I opened the security door. Gracie ran straight across the parking lot and Lukie ran through the cars. I caught Lukie first and stuffed him in the car. Then, I took off after Gracie. I still get shivers thinking about it.

We won't get my car back for a few more days, but I needed something to save me from the trauma of the trips back and forth to the car.

Enter Gracie and Lukie's new rides:

This is how well they worked!


  1. That is absolutely adorable! You are one innovative momma!

  2. Those are awesome! I LOVE that they have their little backpacks on and everything - they are serious about this now! :)

  3. Innovative (Carrin stole my word!)! BTW, love Gracie's piggy pajamas! I almost bought those!


Happy 10th Birthday!

There's nothing better than bringing cupcakes and having free dress on your 10th birthday! These two were so excited that they kept r...