Saturday, June 20, 2009

Busy Day

I took my life in my own hands today and took Gracie and Luke out on a walk. In the real world. Where there are streets. And speeding cars. By myself.

Did I mention the cars?

My Baby Center weekly update suggested taking them for a walk and watching what they would do. First, I am not into torture. It is important to state that. I also know that my children are predictable in their unpredictability. Something will go wrong and it will inevitably involve Lucas.

I decided to try and minimize the damage by thinking the walk out carefully. I decided to have them "drive" their cars so that they were focused on the cars instead of that, WHOA! Look at that shiny thing!

See? That's what it is like.

They did really well, until, as expected, we turned around to head home. That is when Luke decided he did not want to ride his car any more and Gracie agreed. They held hands for about 30 feet before Luke was distracted by something and Gracie caught site of a flower. They took off in opposite directions and it was that moment when I had to make a split second decision.

Twin moms will understand this decision. Which one of them is in more imminent danger? In our case, the answer 99.9% of the time is Luke. He has very little impulse control when it comes to shiny things and the chances of him dashing out into the street were high. So, I looked toward my running daughter and determined that she would not make a dive between cars to cross the street and took off the other direction to grab Luke. After catching him, I carried him, the two abandoned cars, and eventually, held Gracie's hand until we got back to the apartment building.

In all, it was pretty exciting. I think it wore me out more than them!

We also spent 3 hours playing with Grandma Rosi's new puppy, Oreo. Well, technically, it is Gracie and Luke's dog, but since Grandma Rosi is paying for him and he is living at her house, it makes him her dog. Gracie and Luke are still trying to decide if they like Oreo. He is the size of one of my hands and mostly just shakes and licks people. Good times!


  1. You are so brave! You are my hero! I have taken the twins out on a walk but only down the driveway ;-)

  2. I know that exact decision! Congrats on everyone making it back in one piece!

  3. I've also made that decision several times before! You are a far braver woman than I, my friend. We have only been on one walk sans stroller - it was complete madness and I had Kamaki with me!


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