Friday, January 23, 2009

What? No Post?

If you check this blog everyday, you may be wondering why there was no post on Thursday.

1) I have no pictures to share because I did not have time to take one.

2) I drove the Twinsies to Auntie Ten Ten's house so they could spend the night with Nana!

I got home and fell asleep at 8 pm. I woke up briefly at 12:30 am because of pouring rain and again at 3:30 am when the babies usually wake up. Other than that, I slept. It was bliss.

Gracie and Luke are spending the night with Nana (who thinks I'll need to scrape her off the floor tomorrow when I go to pick them up). I'm going to grade my mountain of quizzes and homeworks, finish web designing I have to do, and finish designing Unit 7 for my Pre-Algebra class.

Doesn't that sound like fun?

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1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you had some help over the past week. Hope you're feeling a little relief.


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